More images have emerged inside the resort once considered at the top of Australia’s best holiday destinations.

Glitzy and aspirational resorts that drew holiday-makers near and far were last week shown to be in a state of disrepair, with some of these former top resorts left to rot by their foreign owners.

One of those resorts, being the Japanese-owned Iwasaki Resort in Yeppoon, on Queensland’s Capricorn Coast, was pictured on A Current Affair as falling to pieces.

The video footage was a massive contrast to the hundreds of suites, bars and eateries, along with a world-class golf course and the southern hemisphere’s largest swimming pool when it opened in the late 1980s.

Following years of neglect, the Capricorn resort has fallen into ruin, with no firm plan to revive it.

A tour by TikTok page Abandoned Australia, has shown more images inside the resort which has become an overgrown eyesore after years of neglect left since it was closed down.

The Capricorn International Resort, owned by Iwasaki Sangyo Co, in the coastal town of Yeppoon, in Queensland, closed suddenly in 2016 and was left untouched.

The social media page shows the eerie footage of the extremely dilapidated grounds of the once glamorous resort.

Hundreds took to the TikTok post, venting their concern over how the once luxurious resorts had gone to ruins.

“I stayed there and it was so good! Such a shame to see it like this now”, one user commented.

“I was married there and had our reception there too,” another added.

“This place was so amazing. I’ll never forget.”

As pools sit green and covered in leaf litter, the surrounding grounds are overgrown giving the whole ground an unfavourable look for the region.

Speaking to A Current Affair, Queensland Tourism Industry Council chief executive Daniel Gschwind told the program the sight of the resorts set a “bad reputation” for tourism investments.

“We have to remember that they’re very precious assets in sometimes very precious environments,” he said.

“So if they don’t deliver what they promise, then certainly, we should see how it can be resolved and how their community can get some benefit out of these.”
